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Theories on Language Development

There are different theories on how children develop language. It's important to understand these theories and apply them to help children develop language skills.

Language Development is one of the most crucial skill children need to acquire for their academic success 

  •  Nativism theory suggested that language development is biological in the sense that children acquire a language acquisition device that allows them to detect subtle difference among similar period of time where children must have certain experiences during particular windows of time in order to achieve full mastery of language.

  •  Cognitive Process theory suggests that children's thinking skills allows them to make inferences about patterns in their native language. Therefore, it's important that children take an active part in interactions. The cognitive process theory believes that language development is acquired through children's activity as speaker and listeners. 

  • Sociocultural theory suggests that children foster language development through social interactions. Children's ability to master intersubjectivity ( the mutual awareness that two or more people are thinking about the same thing simultaneously) is critical to their language development. 

  •  Functionalism theory views language as a skill for human beings to help them serve necessity daily functions like acquire knowledge, communicate, control oneself behavior, etc.


Drawing Together

Language Development Trends 

Semantic Development

Syntactic Development 

Pragmatic Development 


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